The Dynamic Advantages of Soaking Bathtub
2016-08-13 5:20:01 AM

As the name says it all that soaking bath tub are designed to be deeper than the ordinary bathtubs just in order to give a complete body relaxation through sub merging the body in water. These kind of tubs are supported with complete comfort as bathing seat, arm rest and even back rest is provided within the tub.

Why to Choose Soaking Bathtubs?

Though there are numerous advantages of installing freestanding bathtubs in your bathroom but the most beneficial is that you can save enough space while using these deep soaker tubs. Whereas the depth of the stand alone bath enables the bather to sit comfortably while resting on the back rest provided for extra comfort and luxury. The soaking bathtubs look more like resting on a luxurious arm chair.

The outstanding chic designs of the soaker tubs is the addition plus point of these Japanese soaking tubs. Usually these small sized bath tubs are designed with quite impressive sculpture. With these deep soaking tubs setting a small spaced bathroom with the luxury of a bath tub installation has become easier.

These free standing tubs have an additional advantage of maintaining heat for long hours. So the bather can enjoy warm and cozy bath and can enjoy the winters bathing as well.

Advantages of Deep SoakerTubs

These luxury functional soaking baths are the most effective and quite health benefit entities because they provide healing benefits to the bather. Following are some of the dynamic advantages of deep stand alone bathtubs.

Health Benefits

The freestanding soaker tubs style originated from Japan where deep soaking is considered as the remedy of different health issues. Like in Japan, soaking half body in water is recommended for the removal of all kind of ailments from body and also as spiritual cleansing and nourishment of soul.

Physical wounds pain can also be treated through deep water soaking as the hot water baths help in activating circulation. Any kind of muscle pulls and ruptures can be treated through warm water soaking.

Arthritis patients can get soothe and comfort through hot water soaking. Besides all the above mentioned, bath tub exercises are termed as the best work out to reduce weight, providing peace of mind and maintaining blood pressure level. Enjoying a cold shower after soaking in hot water is the best way of getting energy.

For Recreation Purpose

As the deep bathtubs offer a considerable depth as compared to ordinary tubs, they are taken as spa tubs as well. The broad area of stand alone tub is large enough to give recreation to the whole family. These acrylic freestanding bathtubs are supported with side racks as well so that the bather can put his books or drinks over there and can enjoy drinks or reading while having a bath.

Multiple Variety

As compared to other bathing tubs the stand alone soaking tubs are available in a vast range of variety. Some of the outstanding variety of this kind of tubs is as under,

  • Royal – Clawfoot Bathtub
  • Corner Tubs
  • Wooden Bathtubs
  • Jacuzzi Baths

All the above mentioned bathtubs offer multiple functions and are famous for their distinctive features. Where clawfoot tub exhibits a royal style and brings a vintage look to your bathroom whereas the corner bath tubs offer more space to the small spaced bathroom because they can be installed at a single corner of the bathroom. The Japanese bathtubs though are small in size but they offer adequate depth to the bather. Wooden free standing soaker tubs are more of a fun as these can be installed anywhere in your home. You can now even fix them outdoor in your lawn or patio. The Jacuzzi tubs use hot jets that are made for the bath tubs and it facilitate the bather with a warm, cozy relaxing bath all the time.

Material Used to Manufacture Deep Bathtubs

The soaking tubs are designed with various kind of materials depending upon the requirements of the user. Some of the most common materials used in making the bath tubs is as under,

  • Acrylic
  • Gel coat
  • Cast iron
  • Enameled Steel
  • Americast

Freestanding Bathtubs and Heat Retention

One of the remarkable advantage of deep freestanding bathtub is the retention of hot temperature seven after hours of bathing. They have a capability of maintaining the temperature of water inside the bath tub to a certain level for long. The actual reason behind this quality of the soaker tub is that a smaller surface area of water is made exposed to air, this made the temperature to stabilize at certain level due to lesser heat loss. Moreover, because of their lower surface area less water is required to fill up the tub. In addition to the above mentioned benefits, the risk of accidents is reduced to minimum as the base of these bathtubs are non-slippery and they are attributed with seats for the bathers.

In short, stand alone tubs are the best source of making bath a fun and recreation for all.

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