How DECORAPOINT Works: It's as easy as 1-2-3!
DECORAPOINT is a rewards program given to members who registers and makes qualifying purchases on the DECORAPORT website or other marketing activities determined by DECORAPORT. Through simple online purchases on, members earn rewards Points from every transaction made. Members can redeem their DECORAPOINTs for cash back .

Register to get 500 DECORAPOINTs and log into your account for shopping

Find your favourite products, make purchases and earn 1 DECORAPOINT per $1 spent

Redeem your DECORAPOINTs for cash back
1 More Ways to Earn Reward Points

Writing a review after a purchase can earn you 500 DECORAPOINTs per order

Visit and Like our Facebook page to gain $10
2 Ways to Redeem Your Points for Rewards

Redeem every 200 DECORAPOINTs to $1 cash back for purchases on