How to Choose the Best Illuminated Vanity Mirror
2016-07-20 5:14:18 AM

Do you want to make your bathroom look amazing with a beautiful, sparkling mirror? Well, you have come to the right place. Are wondering how to choose the perfect LED mirror for your bathroom? Have you searched hundreds of websites, visited several stores, and asked family members for advice? Fear not readers. I can help you with your search and provide you with some excellent options for backlit mirrors. These tips will help you save time and money so be sure to pay attention and take some notes! I will discuss a few mirrors which I think will make a great addition to your home.

First, let us talk about what the illuminated vanity mirror is and what it offers. A bathroom lighted mirror, often known as a vanity mirror with lights, is an upscale and elegant mirror that come in a variety of shapes and sizes. LED lighted mirrors can be square, rectangular, round, unframed, framed, and etc. Many people prefer the framed mirror because they appreciate the aesthetic of the light as the frame itself. There are also led backlit mirrors which is another popular choice because the lights are behind the mirror giving off a luxurious look. Of course, as the name states, it includes lighting called light emitting diodes (LED). You might ask why choose an LED light over another light? LED lightbulbs are significantly better compared to fluorescent and incandescent lightbulbs. This is because they save electricity, they last a long time, and they are environmentally friendly. Also, Illuminated mirrors come in handy during tasks like applying makeup and shaving.

Now let us talk about the different types of mirrors that will fit your needs whatever they may be. Led bathroom mirrors come with the lights pre-installed and they can last from 40 to 50 years with daily use. Instead of buying a standard mirror and having to buy lighting, you can save some money buying a backlit mirror. Also, some lighted mirrors come with Bluetooth speakers built into them.  This is a major benefit for audiophiles and technology aficionados.

An LED compact mirror is another excellent choice for the consumer on the go. If you like to travel or go on business trips then this is the mirror for you. The unique thing about these mirrors is that they offer one or two mirrors in protective casing so that you can be sure they’re safe. Usually they are circular and battery operated. These can be stored in your purse, your backpack, your desk, your car, and et cetera. These mirrors typically come with a stand and some extend upwards. 

Another lighted bathroom mirror is the makeup mirror. In the past makeup mirrors with incandescent light bulbs were inefficient and costly. LED’s ensure that you never have to replace lightbulbs and last a long time. Similar to old makeup mirrors, the LED’s are installed on the frame of the mirror on the outside. You will be able to cover up blemishes, see your pores, pluck eyebrows, and et cetera. You can also have wall mounted lighted makeup mirrors which helps save counter space. Lastly, there are some lighted makeup mirrors which are portable and battery operated. These mirrors also offer shock resistance. This means that you don’t have to worry about vibrations or shocks like you would from incandescent or fluorescent bulbs. Feel safe to use your mirror without the fear of injury. 

You can also have a LED mirror cabinet which allows for extra storage. This is a great option for people who have big families. You can store toiletries, medicine, makeup supplies, shaving equipment, and et cetera. The lights also light up using sensors so you can see what you are looking for when you open the cupboard. The cupboard is usually built with aluminum which is a high quality material and has multiple doors if necessary. Accessories include outlets and finger print conceal technology. You can charge your shavers and blow-dryer for example. This prevents accessory damage since they are stored properly. 

Furthermore, an LED infinity mirror could be the right fit for you. This mirror creates an illusion basically. Choosing a good and suitable illuminated mirror is one of good ideas for your bathroom decoration. And when it is turned on you see lights which appear to go on endlessly. The mirror conforms to your movements also. This mirror is more so for the entertainment value but it still acts as a bathroom lighted mirror when it is not turned on. The way it works is that it uses two mirrors. One if fully reflective behind one that is only partially reflective. This creates an illusion to the user. Some practical uses for business could be use in bars, cafes, art galleries, and et cetera.

Overall, you can’t go wrong with purchasing a backlit mirror. Whether you are looking for a practical use or entertainment value then this is the right mirror for you. It’s time to evolve from primitive forms of electricity and adopt LED’s.

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